Smoking Cessation

Get your subconscious mind on board with what you want to achieve.

Can Hypnotherapy help me to stop smoking?

When you think about it logically, there is no reason for you to smoke or Vape.

When you use the intellectual, rational part of your brain, you know this, of course. However, you also have a primitive part of the brain which is in control of your survival, emotions, stress arousal and habits. This part of the brain has mistakenly formed the opinion that you need to smoke, that it reduces stress, that it makes you feel good etc.

The primitive brain is after short term gains, those quick dopamine hits that make you feel good in that moment. But the effects are short lived and by continuing to smoke you actually increase your anxiety and stress levels over the long term. Research shows that a lifelong smoker is 80% more likely to suffer from severe anxiety or depression in later life than a non-smoker.

During our session we will cover the brain science behind habit formation, but also other issues that may contribute to your habit of smoking, such as anxiety. Understanding how the brain works is an important part of the process as it will give you the knowledge and tools to put you back in control of your patterns of thinking and behaviour. And the hypnosis will get your subconscious mind on board with what you want to achieve.

 Hypnotherapy is a collaborative process, so you do have to be motivated to stop smoking. But this 2-session programme will support the right mindset so that you can enjoy a healthier and happier life.

What clients are saying:


“Working with Larissa was a great experience, I felt very comfortable and at ease sharing my challenges and desire to quit smoking with her. The session itself was really interesting and the process relaxing. I felt completely recharged and in control after it that I thought it was too good to be true. I put myself straight into temptation the following day, all day in a beer garden with friends who smoke and had zero desire to have one, i felt so proud of myself. I would definitely recommend working with Larissa if you are serious about making a change and taking control back! Thank you!!”

Sheenu, London

“Doing Hypnotherapy with Seascape was the best thing I could have done. It's helped me kick a habit I've had for many many years and I am so grateful to Larissa for taking the time to explain the process and take me through it all. She's amazing, I've talked to all my friends about her and recommended her services!”

Bojana, London

“After one session with Larissa, I have stopped smoking. During our 2 hour session, Larissa really tuned into my reasons for wanting to stop and explained how the subconscious brain holds old narratives which can rule our behaviours. As she guided me through visualisations, I was able to connect with those core reasons on a very deep level. Since our session, I have experienced a sense of freedom and empowerment from a habit I thought would never release me. Larissa is well worth seeing and I highly recommend her to anyone who is interested in changing or overcoming any part of their life. Thank you Larissa, this has been truly life changing.”

Carolyn, Hove